- 09-22大师讲座:Building Block Science: Layer-by-Layer Assemblies from Polymers to Cells
- 06-20Recent Developments in bio-based colloids and materials and biosynthetic hybrid materials
- 06-16学术报告-密西西比州立大学农业与生物工程系余斐副教授
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- 05-04学术报告:碳一化学的新反应和新催化剂
- 03-23大师讲座:Problems related to self-assembly of macromolecules
- 03-21学术报告:MIT Soft Active Materials Laboratory(SAMs Lab)
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- 03-15学术报告:Molecular Recognition by Cyclodextrin Derivatives in Nonpolar Media
- 03-10学术报告:新型手性催化剂的开发及其在药物合成中的应用研究
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- 12-1712月22bet365备用 ——汪大洋教授:Stimuli-responsive Particles Crossing Interfaces
- 11-102015 Food Colloid Symposium program
- 09-15陈介余教授:近红外分光法在科学分析中的应用