24th December, 2019, in the A316 Academic Lecture Hall of the School of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Professor Seong-Ju Hwang of Yonsei University in Korea was invited to visit our school and gave a wonderful report entitled "2D Monolayered Nanosheet-Based Nanohybrids with Energy-Functiona...
2019-12-25On Dec 8, 2019, Professor Jean-Francois Masson of the Université de Montréal in Canada was invited to our school for academic exchanges. The wonderful report entitled "Surface plasmon resonance and surface-enhanced Raman sensor for environmental and medical applications" was held in the B3111. Pr...
2019-12-10On Nov 25, 2019, Professor Weihua Ming of the Georgia Southern University in the United States was invited to our school for academic exchanges. The wonderful report entitled " Multifunctional Polymeric Materials & Coatings " were held in the 2A419. Professor Weihua Ming mainly introduced the con...
2019-12-02Topic:Applications of microalgae in chemical engineering
Speaker:Dr. Amarjeet Bassi
Time:Applications of microalgae in chemical engineering
Location:Room A316, School of Chemical and Material Engineering
Topic:Principles of Water Pollution Control
Speaker:Dr. Amarjeet Bassi
Time:Principles of Water Pollution Control
Location:Room A316, School of Chemical and Material Engineering
Topic:Microcapsules -- Application and Chemistry
Speaker:Dr. Kimio Ichikawa
Time:Microcapsules -- Application and Chemistry
Location:Room A316, School of Chemical and Material Engineering
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