- 05-11学术报告:High Performance Bio-based Materials
- 03-25凤任飞研究员:同步辐射光谱及应用
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- 10-252014食品胶体研讨会
- 02-25Michael J. Zaworotko:Crystal Engineering of Task-Specific Materials
- 11-26Professor Dr. Todd B. Marder:Rhodacyclopentadienes: A New Class of Luminescent Organometallics
- 11-06Professor Dr. Todd B. Marder:Synthesis and Optical Properties of 3-Coordinate
- 10-25Kin Shing Chan:Metalloporphyrin Catalyzed Oxidation and Hydrogenation of C─C Single Bond with W...
- 10-25燕红:碳硼烷衍生物的合成及性质
- 10-08Dr. Ngai To:Colloidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces
- 05-2711月19日bet365备用 ——Hatsuo Ishida:Recent Development of Polybenzoxazines
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