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Associate Professor

Yunpeng Huang

2020-04-24  点击:[]

Yunpeng Huang

Associate Professor

Office: School of Medicine, B411

Email:[email protected]


Doctor Huang received his PhD degree in Macromolecular Science in 2016 from Fudan University. After graduation, he joined the Institute for Energy Research, Jiangsu University, as Assistant Professor. In 2020, he joined the Department of Chemical and Engineering, Jiangnan University.


His current scientific interests includehigh-performance energy storage and conversion devices; electrospun nanofiber based composites; MXene-based 2D nanomaterials and 3D aerogels.


1.National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youths, 2018.01-2020.12.

2.China Postdoctoral Science Foundation,2017.06-2020.06.

3.Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province for Youths, 2017.07-2020.6.

4.Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2017.07-2019.6.

5.University Natural Science Research of Jiangsu, 2017.07-2019.06.

Key Publications:

[1]Yunpeng Huang*,Fen Cui, Jian Bao, Yan Zhao, Jiabiao Lian, Tianxi Liu, Huaming Li*, MnCo2S4/FeCo2S4“lollipop” arrays on hollow N-doped carbon skeleton as flexible electrodes for hybrid supercapacitors,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2019,7, 20778-20789.

[2]Yunpeng Huang, Yue-E Miao, Jun Fu, Shuyi Mo, Chun Wei, Tianxi Liu*,Perpendicularly oriented few-layer MoSe2on SnO2nanotubes for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 16263-16271.

[3]Yunpeng Huang, Yue-E Miao, Shanshan Ji, Weng Weei Tjiu, Tianxi Liu*, Electrospun carbon nanofibers decorated with Ag-Pt bimetallic nanoparticles for selective detection of dopamine,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 12449-12456.

[4]Yunpeng Huang, Hui Ma, Shige Wang, Mingwu Shen*, Rui Guo, Xueyan Cao, Meifang Zhu, Xiangyang Shi*, Efficient catalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium using palladium nanoparticle-immobilized electrospun polymer nanofibers,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2012, 4, 3054-3061.

[5]Yunpeng Huang, Hengyi Lu, Huahao Gu, Jun Fu, Shuyi Mo, Chun Wei, Yue-E Miao*, Tianxi Liu*, A CNT@MoSe2hybrid catalyst for efficient and stable hydrogen evolution,Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 18595-18602.

[6]Yunpeng Huang, Yue-E Miao, Longsheng Zhang, Weng Weei Tjiu, Jisheng Pan, Tianxi Liu*, Synthesis of few-layered MoS2nanosheet-coated electrospun SnO2nanotube heterostructures for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction,Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 10673-10679.

[7]Fen Cui,Yunpeng Huang*,Le Xu, Yan Zhao, Jiabiao Lian, Jian Bao, Huaming Li*, Rational construction of a 3D hierarchical NiCo2O4/PANI/MF composite foam as a high-performance electrode for asymmetric supercapacitors,Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 4160-4163.

[8]Yunpeng Huang, Longsheng Zhang, Hengyi Lu, Feili Lai, Yue-E Miao*,Tianxi Liu*, A highly flexible and conductive graphene-wrapped carbon nanofiber membrane for high-performance electrocatalytic applications,Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 3, 969-976.

[9]Yunpeng Huang, Yue-E Miao, Hengyi Lu, Tianxi Liu*, Hierarchical ZnCo2O4@NiCo2O4core-sheath nanowires: bifunctionality towards high-performance supercapacitors and oxygen reduction reaction,Chemistry-A European Journal, 2015, 21, 10100-10108.

[10]Yunpeng Huang, Feili Lai, Longsheng Zhang, Hengyi Lu, Yue-E Miao*, Tianxi Liu*, Elastic carbon aerogels reconstructed from electrospun nanofibers and graphene as three-dimensional networked matrix for efficient energy storage/conversion,Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 31541.

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Address: no. 1800, lihu avenue, wuxi, jiangsu, 214122


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