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Jiawei Zhu

2020-05-04  点击:[]

Jiawei Zhu


Office: School of Medicine, B411

Phone: +86 15261823968

Email:[email protected]


Jiawei earned his Ph.D degree in Chemical Engineering in 2019 from Nanjing Tech University. During 2017-2019, Jiawei worked as a visiting scholar in Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2020, Jiawei accepted a position of professor with the School of Chemical and Material Engineering at Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China.


His current research interest includes the design and synthesis of nanostructured materials for energy-related applications, as well as membrane materials for separation and catalytic membrane reactor.

Key Publications:

1、J. Zhu, Z. Chen, M. Xie, Z. Lyu, M. Chi, M. Mavrikakis, W. Jin, and Y. Xia, Iridium-Based Cubic Nanocages with 1.1-nm Thick-Walls: A Highly Efficient and Durable Electrocatalyst for Water Oxidation in An Acidic Medium.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2019,58,7244-7248.(selected as a hot paper, highlighted on theback cover)(IF=12.257)

2、J. Zhu, G. Zhang, G. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Chu, W. Jin, and N. Xu, Perovskite Hollow Fibers with Precisely Controlled Cation StoichiometryviaOne-Step Thermal Processing.Adv. Mater.,2017,29, 201606377. (highlighted on thefrontispiece) (IF= 25.809)

3、J. Zhu, G. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Chu, W. Jin, and N. Xu, Unprecedented Perovskite Oxyfluoride Membranes with High-Efficiency Oxygen Ion Transport Paths for Low-Temperature Oxygen Permeation.Adv. Mater.,2016,28, 3511. (highlighted on thefrontispiece) (IF= 25.809)

4、J. Zhu, Z. Chen, Z. Lyu, M. Xie, M. Chi, W. Jin, and Y. Xia, Pt-Ir-Pd Trimetallic Nanocages as a Dual Catalyst for Efficient Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions in Acidic Media,Adv. Energy Mater.,2019, (IF=24.884)

5、J. Zhu, A. Elnabawy, Z. Chen, E. Murray, M. Xie, Z. Lyu, W. Jin, M. Mavrikakis, and Y. Xia, Facet-controlled Pt–Ir nanocrystals with substantially enhanced activity and durability towards oxygen reduction,Mater. Today,2019, (IF=24.372)

6、J. Zhu, Z. Lyu, Z. Chen, M. Xie, M. Chi, W. Jin, and Y. Xia, Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Pd@IrnL(n=1–4) Core-Shell Nanocubes for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution in Acidic Media,Chem. Mater.,2019,31, 5867-6875. (IF= 10.159)

7、J. Zhu, S. Guo, Z. Chu, and W. Jin, CO2-Tolerant Oxygen-Permeable Perovskite-Type Membranes with High Permeability.J. Mater. Chem. A,2015,3, 22564. (highlighted on theinside Back Cover) (IF= 10.733)

8、J. Zhu, T. Wang, Z. Song, Z. Liu, G. Zhang, and W. Jin, Enhancing Oxygen PermeationviaMultiple Types of Oxygen Transport Paths in Hepta-bore Perovskite Hollow Fibers.AIChE J.,2017, 63, 4273.

9、J. Zhu, S. Guo, G. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. Zhang, and W. Jin, A Robust Mixed-Conducting Multichannel Hollow Fiber Membrane Reactor.AIChE J.,2015,61, 2592.

10、J. Zhu, Z. Dong, Z. Liu, K. Zhang, G. Zhang, and W. Jin, Multichannel Mixed-Conducting Hollow Fiber Membranes for Oxygen Separation.AIChE J.,2014,60, 1969.

Next article:Tianxi Liu

Address: no. 1800, lihu avenue, wuxi, jiangsu, 214122


Contact number:0510-85913623,85913625 

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