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发布日期:2022-11-08 08:48|浏览量:   来源:   杨璇

Jiangnan – Bristol Joint Symposium



Meeting ID: 938 5714 6650; Passcode: 070403

Thursday 10thNovember 2022

Beijing Time

17:00-Welcome by Prof. Emma Raven, Head, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol

17:10–Welcome by Prof. Piming Ma, Vice Dean, School of Chemistry and Material Engineering, Jiangnan University

Session 1:Chair Prof. Wuge Briscoe; Bristol

17:20 - Prof. Carmen Galan:Carbon-based nanomaterials for biological applications: From diagnotics to theranostics and all the way to plants

17:40 - Prof. To Ngai:Pickering emulsions stabilized by binary mixtures of colloidal particles: Synergies between contrasting properties

18:00– Prof. Adam Perriman:Engineered living and dead materials

18:20 - Prof. Jianzhong Jiang:Switchable surfactants for oil-in-dispersion emulsions

18:40-11 Coffee break

Session 2Chair Prof. To Ngai; Jiangnan

19:00- Dr Avinash Patil:Enzyme powered protocells for programmable motility, cargo uptake and delivery

19:20 - Associate Prof. Ye Fan:Self-assemblies of conjugated linoleic acid and their applications

19:40 - Dr Michael Cotterell:Laser-based spectroscopy studies on aerosol particles

20:00- Dr Wei Liu:Near-surface aggregation behaviour of microgels by total internal reflection microscopy

20:20-20:30 Wrap up –Prof. Wuge Briscoe & Michael Benson(highlighting the progress on UG agreement)