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发布日期:2023-09-08 14:41|浏览量:   来源:bet365备用   bet365备用








2020-2022年任Silver Factory Technology Pte Ltd首席执行官兼董事局成员;

2023年6月进入Bet365备用官网推荐 任教授,加入林歆怡老师团队从事纳米复合材料及其表面增强拉曼应用等方面的研究工作。










1、Dynamic Interfaces with Intelligent Responses,新加坡科研局灯塔计划

2、Engineering Surfaces Against Bacteria,新加坡科研局灯塔计划

3、Light responsive surfaces,新加坡科研局灯塔计划

4、Nanoscale Evaluation of Hair Samples with Environmental Control,新加波宝洁


1、C.L. Lay, C. S. L. Koh, Y. H. Lee, G. C. Phan-Quang, H. Y. F. Sim, S. X. Leong, X. Han, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Two-Photon-Assisted Polymerization and Reduction: Emerging Formulations and Applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020,12,10061-10079.

2、G. C. Phan-Quang, N. Yang, H. K. Lee, H. Y. F. Sim, C. S. L. Koh, Y-C. Kao, E. K. M. Tan, Y-E. Miao, W. Fan, T. X. Liu*, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Tracking Airborne Molecules from Afar: 3D MOF-SERS Platforms for Stand-off and Real-time Atmospheric Monitoring. ACS Nano 2019, 13,12090-12099.

3、Z. Yang, X. Han, H. K. Lee, G. C. Phan-Quang, C. S. L. Koh, C. L. Lay, Y. H. Lee, Y-E. Miao, T. X. Liu*, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Shape-dependent thermo-plasmonic effect of nanoporous gold at the nanoscale for ultrasensitive heat-mediated remote actuation. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 16005-16012.

4、G. C. Phan-Quang, H. K. Lee, H. W. Teng, C. S. L. Koh, B. Q. Yim, E. K. M. Tan, W. L. Tok, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Plasmonic Hotspots in the Air: Omnidirectional and Three-dimensional Platform for Stand-off In-air SERS Sensing of Airborne Species. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57, 5792-5796.

5、C. L. Lay, C. S. L. Koh, J. Wang, Y. H. Lee, R. Jiang, Y. Yang, Z. Yang, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Aluminum Nanostructures with Strong Visible-range SERS Activity for Versatile Micropatterning of Molecular Security Labels. Nanoscale 2018, 10, 575-581.

6、C. L. Lay, Y. H. Lee, M. R. Lee, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*。Formulating An Ideal Protein Photoresists for Fabricating Dynamic Microstructures with High Aspect Ratios and Uniform Responsiveness. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2016, 8, 8145-8153.

7、W. Gao, H. K. Lee, J. Hobley, T. X. Liu*, I. Y. Phang*, X. Y. Ling*. Graphene Liquid Marbles as Photothermal Miniature Reactors for Reaction Kinetics Modulation. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 54, 3993-3996.

8、I. Y. Phang, N. Aldred, X. Y. Ling, J. Huskens, A. S. Clare, G. J. Vancso*, Atomic force microscopy of the morphology and mechanical behavior of barnacle cyprid footprint proteins at the nanoscale. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2010, 7,285-296.

9、I. Y. Phang, N. Aldred, A. S. Clare, G. J. Vancso*. Towards a Nanomechanical Basis for Temporary Adhesion in Barnacle Cyprids (Semibalanus balanoides). Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2008, 5, 397-401.

10、I. Y. Phang, N. Aldred, A. S. Clare,, J. A. Callow, G. J. Vancso*. An in situ study of the nanomechanical properties of barnacle (Balanus amphitrite) cyprid cement using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Biofouling 2006, 22, 245-250.


1、A process for creating lithographically-defined plasmonic structures with enhanced Q-factors. SG201201971-7

2、A process for creating lithographically-defined plasmonic structures with enhanced Q-factors.US09233393B2




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