。主持多项国家自然科学基金、浙江省杰出青年基金等项目。近年来申请国家发明专利20余项,以第一作者或通讯作者在先进材料(Advanced Materials)、德国应用化学(Angewandte Chemie)、美国化学会志(Journal of the American Chemical Society)等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇(其中SCI高被引论文7篇),被引用5000余次,h指数30。担任多个著名学术期刊审稿人(Nature Communications、Journal of the American Chemical Society、Advanced Materials、Angewandte Chemie、ACS Nano等)。
1.S. Sun, Q. Chen, Z. Tang, C. Liu, Z. Li, A. Wu,H.-W. Lin*. Tumor Microenvironment Stimuli‐Responsive Fluorescence Imaging and Synergistic Cancer Therapy by Carbon‐Dot–Cu2+Nanoassemblies.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 21041-21048.
2.K. Jiang, X. Gao, X. Feng, Y. Wang, Z. Li,H.-W. Lin*. Carbon Dots with Dual-Emissive, Robust, and Aggregation-Induced Room-Temperature Phosphorescence Characteristics.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2020, 59, 1263–1269.
3.K. Jiang, Y. Wang, X. Gao, C. Cai,H.-W. Lin,* Facile, Quick, and Gram-Scale Synthesis of Ultralong-Lifetime Room-Temperature-Phosphorescent Carbon Dots by Microwave Irradiation.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 6216–6220.
4.K. Jiang, Y. Wang, C. Cai,H.-W. Lin,* Conversion of Carbon Dots from Fluorescence to Ultralong Room Temperature Phosphorescence by Heating for Security Applications.Adv. Mater. 2018, 201800783.
5.S. Sun, K. Jiang, S. Qian, Y. Wang,H.-W. Lin,* Applying Carbon Dots-Metal Ions Ensembles as a Multichannel Fluorescent Sensor Array: Detection and Discrimination of Phosphate Anions.Anal. Chem.2017, 89, 5542–5548.
6.X. Wu, S. Sun, Y. Wang,* J. Zhu, K. Jiang, Y. Leng, Q. Shu,* andH.-W. Lin,*A fluorescent carbon-dots-based mitochondria-targetable nanoprobe for peroxynitrite sensing in living cells.Biosen. Bioelectron. 2017, 90, 501–507.
7.S. Sun, L. Zhang, K. Jiang, A. Wu, andH.-W. Lin,* Toward High-Efficient Red Emissive Carbon Dots: Facile Preparation, Unique Properties, and Applications as Multifunctional Theranostic Agents.Chem. Mater. 2016, 28, 8659−8668.
8.K. Jiang, L. Zhang, J.-F. Lu, C.-X. Xu, C.-Z. Cai,H.-W. Lin.*Triple-mode Emission of Carbon Dots: Application for Advanced Anti-counterfeiting.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016, 55, 7231-7235.
9.L.-L. Pan, S. Sun, A.-D. Zhang, K. Jiang, L. Zhang, C.-Q. Dong, Q. Huang, A.-G. Wu,H.-W. Lin.*Truly Fluorescent Excitation-Dependent Carbon Dots and Their Applications in Multicolor Cellular Imaging and Multidimensional Sensing.Adv. Mater.2015, 27, 7782-7787.
10.K. Jiang, S. Sun, L. Zhang, Y. Lu, A.-G. Wu, C.-Z. Cai,H.-W. Lin.*Red, Green, and Blue Luminescence by Carbon Dots: Full-Color Emission Tuning and Multicolor Cellular Imaging.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 5360-5363.